Confirmation of Adults
(clase en español es aquí)

Registrations for the spring will open by January 15.

First Mass: 11am Sunday, February 2

First Class: 12pm Sunday, February 2
(in the church)

Classes Videos Complete by
Mass Explained (not in book) Video (questions in your binder) February 2
Confirmed in the Spirit (Chapter 1) Video (questions in your book) February 16
Confirmed in the Spirit (Chapter 2) Video (questions in your book) February 16
Confirmed in the Spirit (Chapter 3) Video (questions in your book) March 2
Confirmed in the Spirit (Chapter 4) Video (questions in your book) March 2
Confirmed in the Spirit (Chapter 5) Video (questions in your book) March 16
Confirmed in the Spirit (Chapter 6) Video (questions in your book) March 16
Confirmed in the Spirit (Chapter 7) Video (questions in your book) April 6
Confirmed in the Spirit (Chapter 8) Video (questions in your book) April 6
Confession Explained (not in book) Video (questions in your binder) April 20
The Greatest Miracle (not in book) Video (questions in your binder) April 20

Please contact Catalina Paz if you have any questions at 831-322-4370 (call or text).

The next date for Confirmation will probably be…

Who? Date City Parish Time
Fall Class A January 25th, 2025 Capitola St. Joseph’s 11 am
Fall Class B April 6, 2025 Watsonville St. Patrick’s 4pm
Spring Class Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown